ABA Therapist Liverpool

ABA Therapist Liverpool - to implement a personalised programme of educational support using behaviour analytic principles and interventions.


Training and Supervision provided – RBT and BCBA supervision available

Core Purpose of Role: To implement a personalised programme of educational support using behaviour analytic principles and interventions.

Location: Liverpool, clients will be scheduled based on employee’s location

Salary: £11.44 – £11.50/hr

Hours: This is a zero hours contract. Minimum commitment of 10 hours per week required, flexible to your schedule and client’s needs.

We are currently recruiting for:

  • Weekdays 16:00 – 19:00
  • Weekends


Required Qualifications

  • Achieved or working towards completion of Registered Behaviour Technician (RBT) course
  • Achieved or working towards Bachelors degree in related field
  • Achieved or working towards MSc in Applied Behaviour Analysis or equivalent
  • Desirable to have additional qualifications in implementation of specific interventions such as, PECS, Makaton, PEAK etc.

Required Experience

  • Extensive experience working with children, particularly children with ASD or other additional support needs
  • Desirable to have experience in an ABA therapist role
  • Experience in the key roles and responsibilities listed below

Key Roles and Responsibilities

Implementation and Professionalism:

  • Responsible for ensuring the implementation of recommendations from consultations with consultant BCBA.
  • Responsible for reading and implementing ILPs – including but not limited to targets based in discrete trial teaching (DTT), natural environment teaching (NET), incidental teaching, pivotal response training (PRT), functional communication training (FCT), other communication trainings, self-help and toileting interventions.
  • Responsible for reading and following any behavioural plans (including safe management of behaviours that challenge), protocols and target sheets.
  • Responsible for completing ABC datasheets with adequate levels of detail.
  • Responsible for completing target datasheets.
  • Responsible for keeping folder organised following completion of each session.
  • Responsible for ensuring effective communication to the behavioural supervisor and other key stakeholders when requested by the family or consultant BCBA.

Teaching and Learning:

  • Responsible for continuing with therapeutic sessions as already agreed.
  • Responsible for following teaching and learning recommendations.
  • Responsible for providing a handover regarding targets and any ABC data completed to the behavioural supervisor and other educational support staff following each session.
  • Responsible for communicating any teaching or learning requirements of the learner to the behavioural supervisor and consultant BCBA.
  • Responsible for communicating any other training required for themselves or other educational support staff.

Data collection/Assessment/Reviews:

  • Responsible for completing ABC data sheets and any other assessment elements as requested by the behavioural supervisor and consultant BCBA.
  • Responsible for completing all recommended data collection procedures.
  • Responsible for ensuring that data sheets remain in the folder for the behavioural supervisor to locate.
  • Responsible for contributing to the summary report as requested by the behavioural supervisor.
  • Responsible for contacting the behavioural supervisor if it is believed that targets need changing or adapting between workshops.

Supervision and Training:

  • Support in training new therapists or designated teaching support staff members to defined competency levels as required when requested.


  • Responsible for ensuring that behavioural supervisors are aware of any necessary resources required for successful implementation of teaching and learning targets.
  • Request or create resources required for newly introduced targets.

Professional Development

Training and Supervision provided

Registered Behaviour Technician and BCBA Supervision available

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