Rainbow Behavioural Therapies

We aim to utilise our skills and passion for working with people to encourage and help them discover their motivation to achieve their highest potential
Rainbow Behavioural Therapies
Our Services

Our Services

The areas of behaviour analysis that Rainbow Behavioural Therapies specialise in are: ABA Therapy, ACT, PBS, OBM, Supervision and Training
Become an ABA Therapist Today!

Join Us

We currently looking for more ABA Therapists to join our incredible, ever growing and fantastically supportive team – check out our career opportunites!
Half Rainbow

About Rainbow

Rainbow Behavioural Therapies mission is to; support each client to access learning, to increase their quality of life and build independence
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What We Do

We are a team of passionate and compassionate professionals applying behaviourally scientific principles to support socially significant behaviours. It is an evidence-based practice that uses data to drive decision making for behavioural change. Specific learning objectives are identified and targeted with continuous monitoring of data to ensure progress is made. 
what is aba therapy
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Become an ABA Therapist Today!


We are looking for ABA Therapists, across the North West of England and North Wales, to join our incredible, ever growing and fantastically supportive team!
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Meadow’s Rainbow – Learn & Play Groups

In memory of our beautiful client Meadow and the wonderful contribution her family have made to Rainbow, our team of experts lead these groups to support parents of toddlers and preschoolers.
Meadows Rainbow learn and play
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Oasis Parent Coaching

Parent Coaching

Several of our Rainbow Behavioural Therapies employees are now certified and experienced Parent Coaches.

We offer in-person and online parent coaching sessions using the OASIS Parent Coaching package or a bespoke parent coaching package based on your child’s needs.

Your Complimentary Meet And Greet




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